Project was funded under the Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships in the youth sector.
Project was the Exchange of the Good Practices
Project started in February 2019 and finished in November 2021.
About the project
The “Games as tool for social change” project is a project comprising 12 main stages, implemented
in a consortium of five partner organizations from Poland, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Greece and Turkey. The project includes two main types of international activities. It is above all an exchange of good practices and experience in topics related to gamification, teaching through experience and local activities addressed to young people. On the other hand, it is a series of educational activities, aimed mainly at youth workers who work on a daily basis in partner organizations and other organizations that are local partners of organizations that are part of the consortium.
Main Objectives
1.) Learning about new work tools – creating a manual, developing and implementing games as a tool
work for youthworkers.
2.) Supporting competences, experiences and attitudes among young people, which will effectively combat antisocial manifestations in us, e.g. aggression, and support openness to the other
human, tolerance, sensitivity to problems and needs of others. Provide supportive intercultural education acceptance of our cultural distinctness.
3.) Developing among participants (both youth workers, coordinators and the entire management)
competences, experiences and skills related to the implementation of a youth project of a nature
international with the use of non-formal education methods.
4.) Development of ICT competences and skills among participants.
Main Elements
During the project several key activities were implemented and brought us to the certain results and outcomes.
- Training of Trainers on gamification and experiential learning – including e-learning module
- Insripational Study Visits
- Learning Seminar of Game-Based Learning
- Youth Exchange on gamification among youth
Project was the inspiration for the further development of EDUGAMING concept. Within our meetings we managed to collect amazing amount of educational materials which we are now sharing with you
in our webpage.