Základná škola s materskou školou Milana Rastislava Štefánika Budimír
Primary school with Kindergarten M. R. Stefanika Budimir
Represent by: PaedDr. Jana Bavoľárová
Coordinator of project: Mgr. Monika Timková, +421918075454, monika.timkova@gmail.com
Street, House No.: Budimír 11
City: Budimír
Postal code: 044 43
E-mail: riaditel.zsbudimir@gmail.com
Telephone: +421 55 729 5650, +421 905 289 371
Website: https://zsbudimir.edupage.org
Describtion of oganization:
The elementary school with a kindergarten in Budimir is located 9 km from Košice in the Košice district. It is a fully-organized school with legal personality since 1992. In the local region it acts as a center school for nine surrounding municipalities. The good name of the school in the region is also testified by the fact that nowadays it is attended by pupils from 19 neighboring and distant municipalities. At present, he has 22 grades – 10 grades in grade 1, 10 grades at grade 2 and 2 classes at kindergarten. The school is a children’s school, a school dining room, a school library.