Edugaming is an open concept. It’s the name which we are using to unify our activities related with usage of games in non-formal education.
There is a lot of space inside! Inside you can find various types of games, like board games, card games etc. which were developed in multiple purposes. Some of them had clearly educational aims and some others were more connected with entertainment and joy.
Edugaming is also strictly connected with education. In this concept we also train youth workers and youth trainers about gamification, game-based learning, experiential learning and other metodologies connected with usage of games in education. In one of our projects we also implemented long-term 3-stage training of trainers in the topic of usage of games in experiential learning.
Why we do that? We are passionate about experiential learning and about games.
That’s all 🙂
What is Experiential Learning? It’s a holistic approach which covers all four (feeling, reflecting, thinking, acting) dimensions of learning.
Experiential Learning Theory is a dynamic view of learning based on a learning cycle driven by the resolution of the dual dialectics of action/reflection and experience/abstraction. Learning is defined as “the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience.
The Experiential Learning Theory Model portrays two dialectically related modes of grasping experience:
Concrete Experience and Abstract Conceptualization
Two dialectically related modes of transforming experience:
Reflective Observation and Active Experimentation
If you want to discover more, please visit webpage of International Experiential Learning Network: Experiential Learning – IELN