
Here you can find the variety of the educational resources connected with the non-formal education, games and digital literacy. 

Most of those materials are the property of the external authors and published based on the fair use policy. We don’t claim the ownership rights for them. 

You can also find some materials which were developed for the purpose of our educational activities.
All of them can be freely used, under the same circumstances. 

Feel free to browse through them and enjoy the learning!


EXPERIENTIAL PEDAGOGY OF THE OPPRESSED – book which can be very helpful in discovering the worlds of Experiential Learning and Pedagogy of the Oppressed. It helps to understand both those concepts and connects them into one bigger theory. 

Expeditions as pedagogy for learning and social transformation
The word expedition is derived from the Latin verb ‘expedire’, which is complex in its meaning. Its first meaning is “to free something”. In an expedition, we leave behind old habits and thinking, and break out for the new.

It’s a short presentation which helps to understand the learning spaces importance for the implementations connected with usage of the experiential learning methodology. 


Why We Play Games: Four Keys to More Emotion in Player Experiences – a research study which tries to look for clues in what happened before during and after play. With considered theory from pertinent psychological studies. We went off in search of emotion and found Four Keys to releasing emotions during play.

Computers, Storytelling and World Creation — The Reader as Writer in Multi-Participant Interactive Fiction. The thesis with the main idea that a literary world, as well as a MUD world, is designed to create a pact of trust with the reader and that a story set in the world rely on it for the credibility of the story.

A Systematic Mapping on Gamification Applied to Education – Conference Paper which can help to structurize the knowledge about games, gamification and their mechanics. 

EVEN NINJA MONKEYS LIKE TO PLAY – Gamification, Game Thinking and Motivational Design – An article about the types of players. 

BINGO – Introduction to game-based concepts – Session outline for the workshop about game-based learning. Workshop was primarily implemented during the Training of Trainers in the project Games as Tool for Social Change. 

GETTING GAMIFICATION RIGHT – 22 BEST PRACTICES – Some bullet points which can help you to understand what actually is gamification about. 

A Practitioner’s Guide To Gamification Of Education – Research Report Series Behavioural Economics in Action – Brief description on the gamification of education which is followed by several keys studies. 

Pedagogy at Play: Gamification and Gameful Design in the 21st-Century Writing Classroom – Dissertation about games, full of games and dedicated for gamers.  


What is Mind Mapping – Great introduction to Mind Mapping with several examples of the ready maps. 

Mind mapping – also called “clustering ideas”, is a way of collecting ideas around a particular topic and defining connections. This can be defined as a “nonlinear brainstorming process akin to free association”


Theory of Change – A thinking and action approach to navigate in the complexity of social change processes – This document aims to be a guide to help to direct the design of a Theory of Change applied to social change processes. However, it is an initial approach that must be furthered based
on new experiences and practical applications.

CREATING YOUR THEORY OF CHANGE – NPC’s practical guide – useful Guide into the Theory of Change, including a lot of practical informations: presenting the theory and giving a lot of hints for the future users. 

THEORY OF CHANGE THINKING IN PRACTICE – This guide has evolved from experimentation with and learning about theory of change thinking and its use in practice, which started in 2007. The approach presented here has been developed over time in a series of workshops with Hivos staff, partner organisations and consultants in all regions where Hivos is active. These guidelines have benefited greatly from the feedback of participants.


Introduction the the Mental Models – Session outline for the workshop about mental models. Workshop was primarily implemented during the Training of Trainers in the project Games as Tool for Social Change. 


LEARNING TO LEARN IN PRACTICE – Handbook for facilitators – The publication for the project which considers learning to learn as the most crucial key competence for lifelong learning and, therefore, wants to support educational staff to acquire and develop competences and methodologies needed for implementing this concept of learning

Recognising Learning in Youth Exchanges A Hands-On Toolkit – resource designed to equip those working with young people in Youth Exchanges to recognise and capture the multiple learning experiences they will have. 

INTERCULTURAL LEARNING TOOLKIT – “We have tried to bring together our varied experiences and ideas to produce a T-kit which will help you to come to your own conclusions about intercultural learning theory and practice within the context of youth work and training.” – Great collection of tools which might be helpful to every youth worker and trainer who works in the intercultural environment

Educational Evaluation in Youth Work – Extensive toolkit where the authors want to show that evaluation can be thrilling, electrifying, stimulating, fun, exciting… or at least attractive and inspiring enough to integrate it into your educational work. Evaluation becomes Educational Evaluation.

What Works in Youth Participation: Case Studies from Around the World – Great publication which shows how the concept of youth participation is understood and implemented around the world.